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上海意丹国际货物运输代理有限公司 [百度一下]
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
上海意丹国际货物运输代理有限公司是经外经贸部批准的一级货代企业,公司承办海运,空运进出口货物的国际运输代理业务,包括揽货,订舱,仓储,报关,报验,保险相关的短途运输。自营和代理各类货物和技术的进出口业务,经营对销贸易和转口贸易。公司全资拥有如下分支机构:上海意丹国际货物运输有限公司;上海意丹国际货物运输有限公司报关分公司;上海意丹国际货物运输有限公司拖车分公司;还设有如下分公司:广州,宁波,杭州。上海意丹国际货物运输有限公司不仅是上海货代协会理事,而且是上海报关协会首批会员之一;也是中国国际货运代理协会()会员,还是国内少数几家FIATA国际协会会员之一。公司主要从事为进出中国的货物提供国际运输、清关、检验等服务。与我司签约的船东有:中海(CHINASHIPPING)万海(WANHAI)铁行渣华(POND)长荣(EMC)美国总统(APL)地中海(MSC)商船三井(M.O.S.K)等国际知名船务公司,专业服务亚洲,南美,欧洲 航线,是亚洲航线的强者,包括:东南亚,日韩台,印巴线,红海港口,波斯湾及中东各港口。因为我们与船东公司有亲密的伙伴关系,因此我们的价格有优势,希望能与各公司公司服务范围:1)代理进出口货物的国际运输(集装箱海运,散货拼箱);集装箱陆路运输;2)代办仓储、中转;代理清关、转关;3)代理检验、检疫(商检、植检、卫检、薰蒸证明);4)代办各种证书(FORM-A、C/O);并代办香港加签,广州、北京使馆加签5)提供各种海运。空运咨询;6)代理货运保险;7)提供各种海运咨询;8)提供内地拖车,外港货运拖车;9)代理进出口业务,对部分尚未具备进出口权的企业,可以提供进出口手续及相关单证 。代理商品范围包括:玩具、精品、服装、手袋、鞋类、塑料制品、五金制品、电子产品、陶瓷工艺品、家私、树脂工艺品、圣诞礼品、灯饰、铁制品、办公耗材等。 如果贵司有杂货(日杂,百货),干鲜货,冷藏、危险品和普通化工品,我们一样可以代办,代客户收汇,结汇,付汇,代收信用证等相关业务;公司以华东地区为腹地,以大港(上海、宁波、广州黄埔、深圳)为依托,本着细致、认真、周到的敬业精神,为广大托运人提供非常专业、快捷的国际货运服务。 Shanghai Edan International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd is the Class A logistics company approved by Ministry of Communications China. We are mainly engaged in ocean, air and land transportation of import and export cargos, including cargo canvassing, space booking, storing transhipment, container stuffing &ampamp; stripping, consolidation ,settlement of freight and extraneous ges, Customs clearance, commodity inspection, insurance, short distance transportation and consultancy service, and courier service. We also undertake the importing &ampamp; exporting for goods and technology.We have the below subsidiaries: Edan International Freight transportation Co.,Ltd; Edan Customs declaration company; Edan trailer freight company, and the branches in below cities: Guangzhou, Ningbo, Hangzhou, Qingdao, Dalian, Tianjin etc.Edan International Freight transportation Co.,Ltd is not only the trustee of Shanghai Freight Forwarding association but also the first member of Shanghai Customs Clearance association. We are also the national-level member of China international shipping agency association and one of the several domestic members of FIATA international association.We have signed agency agreements with about 20 top international shipping companies, such like: China Shipping, Wanhai, Pond, EMC, APL, MSC, M.O.S.K and so on. We supply professional services in Asia, South America, European lines, Especially the Superiority of Asia line, including Southeast Asia, Taiwan, Japan, south korea, Indian-Pakistani, the Red Sea port, the port in the Persian Gulf and the dle East lines.Our main scope are as follows :1) Worldwide transportation (containers, bulk cargo LCL), container land transportation.2) Storage &ampamp; warehouse, customs clearance, transit.3) Inspection, and quarantine (commodity inspection, quarantine and sanitation inspection, fumigation to prove).4) Variety certificates issuing (FORM-A, C/O); attestation by Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Beijing embassy.5) Information consultation supplying for air and sea transportation


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