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上海ABB工程有限公司 [百度一下]
公司地址:上海市 上海市外高桥保税区富特东三路27号厂房
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
ABB Robotics is a world leading manufacturer of robotics with its global headquarter located in Shanghai China.In the field of robotics,ABB operates through a work of over 4,600 employees based in some 100 countries around the world.Facilities for the research &amp development,manufacturing and marketing of robots are located in Sweden,Norway and China.Our state of art technology of Robot Automation and Systems including powertrain,press automation,body-in-white and paint process automation,serve the Auto OEMs,Tier 1,as well as such industries as consumer,foundry,plastics and metal fabrication in China. ABB has installed more than 150,000 robots worldwide.ABB机器人部门是的机器人制造商,全球总部位于中国上海。ABB在机器人技术领域拥有4600多名员工,其分支机构遍及世界各地约100个国家和地区,在瑞典、挪威和中国等地设有机器人研发、制造和销售基地。ABB先进的机器人自动化解决方案和包括白车身,冲压自动化,动力总成和涂装自动化在内的四大系统正在中国为各大汽车整车厂和零部件以及消费品,铸造,塑料和金属加工工业等提供服务。ABB全球装机量已经超过十五万台。ABB (www.abb.com) is a leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve performance while lowering environmental impact.The ABB Group of companies operates in about 100 countries and employs more than 110,000 people.ABB has a full range of business activities in China,including R&ampD,manufacturing,sales and service,with 12,000 employees,25 joint ventures and wholly owned companies,and an extensive sales and service work across 38 cities.To know more about ABB, visit www.abb.com.cn.ABB是电力和自动化技术领域的全球领导厂商,致力于为工业和电力行业客户提供解决方案,以帮助客户提高效率,同时降低对环境的不良影响。ABB集团业务遍布全球100多个国家,拥有111,000名员工。ABB在中国拥有包括研发、制造、销售和服务等全方位的业务活动。ABB在中国的12,000名员工,服务于25家本地企业和38个销售与服务公司。欲进一步了解ABB,请访问www.abb.com.cnWithout specified remark,other Jobs location are all at WaiGaoQiao Freezone,Shanghai除特殊标示外,其他职位工作地点均为上海外高桥保税区Please send your resume in both English &amp Chinese, indicating the position of interest with job code in subject of the email and on top of the resume,to us请将你的中英文简历发往本公司,并在邮件主题和简历中注明应聘职位和代码。同时,欢迎有机器人行业相关背景的猎头公司与我们联系。A World of Opportunities广阔空间,无限机会!


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