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华威货运(中国)有限公司广州分公司 [百度一下]
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
华夏国际股份有限公司,1988年成立于台北,专注于经营国际海运、空运货物承揽运输并发展到仓储配送,物流整合等全方位的专业服务。20年的耕耘,我们精致的服务让我们累积了丰富的口碑,业务量的持续成长,服务涵盖区域的扩张,让我们在亚洲地区成功的架设起一张紧密严谨,效率卓越的服务网,我们用细心关怀,专业诚信串联起各个分公司的网络北从华北一路迤逦连结大连,青岛,天津,上海,宁波,南京,福州,厦门,深圳,东莞,广州,中山,香港,台北,台中,高雄,马尼拉,曼谷,胡志明市,吉隆坡,新加坡,至南端的印尼雅加达,泗水。此服务网的要旨在于针对客户的各种不同的需求,提供量身订作的服务,我们的理念即在落实“以客为尊”的宗旨,以从当地事务的处理到全球性的规划安排,提供客户专业训练,思虑周到的服务。而其中为独领风骚的一项服务即为我们自行研发的“货物动态追踪系统”让我们的客户能随时随地掌握到其自己货物在运输当中每一阶段的动态。我们的努力使我们成为此行业的箇中翘首,并从2003年起开始展露头角,年处理货柜量从2003年的50,000TEUS逐年加大至2005年的150,000TEUS,业务量不断的增加,促使我们不断的进取;我们对服务的专心,对客户的诚心,促使客户对我们更大的期许与更多的支持。这也是我们奉献于此服务业的原动力。加入华威您将获得:工时安排:5天,7.小时/天工作制假期安排:享有国家劳动法规定的婚假、丧假、产假等及带薪年假(满1年可享7天年假);薪酬福利:每月5号前发放工资,五险一金,丰富的公司团体文娱活动。晋升体制:内部招聘、转岗;年度绩效考核,优秀员工将获得丰厚年终奖China International Freight Company Limited (CIF) was established in November 1988. With headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan, we are now one of the leading consolidators and freight forwarders operating in Asia. CIF specializes in ocean and air freight along with a providing a menu of value-added warehousing, distribution and logistic services.The Company has expanded rapidly in recent years and now has branch offices throughout Asia. Countries with a CIF Brach include Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia. We offer uncompromised coverage in China via our fourteen operating Branches. We are working via exclusive Agency agreements in other Pacific Basin countries. Dalian to Vietnam, CIF can provide assistance and guidance.CIF believes in providing customized value-added services. The internal relationships and communications between CIF offices create an internal service platform that allows a customers needs to be met by all offices. CIF people always think locally and act globally. A customer of one office can be a customer of all offices. Each and every office is staffed with experienced people who understand the concept that the customer comes first.Our Management Information Group (MIS Dept.) has created a functional and friendly track and trace system.CIFs performance since 2003 has resulted in CIF being recognized as one of the top tier forwarding and logistics firm in Asia. The yearly container volumes handled by CIF have been dramatically growing, increasing 50,000 teus in 2003 to almost 150,000 teus in 2005. This growth is a leading indicator of the outstanding service that has been provided to clients and is indicative of what future clients can expect因业务发展需要,华威货运(中国)有限公司广州分公司诚聘。地址(中文):林和东路华庭路4号天河富力商务大厦地址(英文): H Block,Fuli Tianhe Palace, No.4 Huating Road,Linhedong, Guangzhou, China邮政编码:510600


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