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上海泓明供应链有限公司 [百度一下]
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
关于泓明集团About HMG Group泓明集团创始于一九九四年,注册在上海浦东陆家嘴金融贸易区,注册资金5000万元人民币。在半导体、平板显示、微电子机械系统、纳米技术、太阳能光伏、电子装配、通讯、生命科学等高科技行业已经成功扮演了一个中立的售后物流和供应链服务领先供应商角色。集团先后在上海外高桥、张江、北京、无锡、武汉、成都、大连建立以寄售维修型保税仓库为主的保税物流渠道,应用创新的供应链和电子商务技术为供应商和制造商提供定单管理、供应商管理库存、MRO采购分销、备件物流、逆向物流等第三方物流和检测、维修、翻新、关务筹划、供应链管理、供应链融资等第三方服务。HMG Group was founded in 1994 and headquartered in Lujiazui trade and Finance Zone, Pudong, Shanghai with 50 million RMB Yuan registered capital. The group successfully plays a key role as neutral aftermarket logistics and supply chain leader in the field of hi-tech industry, comprising of Semiconductor, FPD, MEMS, Nanotechnology, PV, SMT, Telecommunication and Life Science. With the bonded channel of wide coverage in China main cities, such as Shanghai, Beijing, Wuxi, Wuhan, Chengdu, and Dalian, the group devotes innovative supply chain and e-business technologies and is committed to provide 3rd Party Logistics and 3rd Party Service to suppliers and manufacturers respectively in scope of Order Fulfillment, VMI, MRO Procurement and Distribution, Spare Parts Logistics, Reverse Logistics, as well as trouble Shooting, Repair, Refurbishment, Customs Affairs Planning, Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Finance.为了提高零备件供应的响应速度和返修零部件转运时间,集团已经在深圳宝安机场物流园内投资成立深圳泓明高科物流有限公司,设立每周7天,每天24小时运营的寄售维修型保税仓库,能够为进行跨国贸易的设备供应商提供MRO工业品(用于维修、维护用设备备件及工具)的保税仓储,4-6小时内华南区备件配送,下一航班NFO和第二天航班NDF的全国备件配送,保修期内免税更换维修备件以及退运、返修、销毁等“一站式”物流服务。通过深港“24小时跨境快速通关”模式,能够提供24小时内的亚太区域备件配送物流服务。In order to improve the supply of spare parts, response speed and transit cycle time, the group has invested to establish HMG Hi-tech Logistics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd inside Shenzhen Baoan Airport Logistics Park, and set up a public warranty bonded warehouse for MNCs with one-stop services of the working operation of 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, bonded storage of spare parts and tools, 4-6-hour delivery in South China area, the Next Flight Out and the Next Day Flight delivery all over the country, tax-free replacement in warranty period, as well as return, FA and scrapping. Thanks to the 24-hour cross-border fast-track mode between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, it can also commit distribution lead time with 24-hour in the Asia-Pacific region.我们建立了分享的愿景,在共同的价值观的指引下,应用卓越的领导准则和管理方式,创造了“泓明”独特的企业文化,为员工提供了一个和谐的企业大家庭环境,使员工与企业共同学习成长,共同创造财富。We have established a shared vision and mission, and applied the criteria for outstanding leadership and management on shared values and beliefs. The group has created a unique corporate culture, to provide staffs with a harmonious corporate family environment, where learn, grow and create altogether..


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