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上海锦江航运(集团)有限公司 [百度一下]
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
上海锦江航运(集团)有限公司成立于1983年(以下简称“锦江航运”),是以国际航运为主、服务于现代物流业的市属企业,由上海市国资委直接监管。近年来,锦江航运通过成功实施品牌战略,实现经济效益和经营规模的稳步增长。公司先后荣获“上海市著名商标”、国家交通运输部海事局和上海海事局颁发的“安全诚信公司”称号、并连续多年荣获“国际班轮运输资质优良企业”、中国货运业大奖中国—日本航线“船公司”、诚信企业等荣誉。公司“阪神穿梭快航”还获得了首届“上海市五一劳动奖状”。锦江航运主要经营东北亚和东南亚地区国际班轮航线,提供集装箱班轮运输服务和到小时的HDS(Hot Delivery Service)快速交货服务,同时在长江流域开辟了内支线物流服务。目前,锦江航运已拥有多条品牌航线,并相继在境内外拓展和完善市场营销体系,设立了境内外分支及代理机构,同步发展运输代理、集装箱堆存、仓储服务等物流配套服务,延伸主业的产业链,从而使公司具有更大的发展空间。锦江航运秉承“做精做强,逐步做大”的发展思路,同步延伸海上航线布局和陆上物流业务,积极投身上海国际航运中心的建设,力争发展成为亚洲区域知名承运人。Shanghai Jinjiang Shipping Co., Ltd. (referred to as JJ Shipping herein), founded in 1983, is the municipal shipping enterprise under the direction of the State-owned Asset Supervision and Administration Commission of Shanghai Municipal Government. Taking international shipping as her core business and branching out into contemporary logistics, JJ Shipping has achieved success in executing its brand strategy; gaining steady growth in economic efficiency and scale of operation. The company has been accredited with such honors as Shanghai Famous trademark, Company of Safety &ampamp; Credibility and Integrity (by the Maritime Bureau of the Ministry of transport and Shanghai Maritime Bureau), Excellent International Liner Carrier,, the Best Shipping Company in Shanghai-Japan Line,, And to too top it all, Jinjiang Hanshin Shuttle Express has won the first Shanghai Labor Award.JJ Shipping specializes in Northeast and Southeast Asia shipping lines, offers the ocean liner Hot Delivery Service, and conducts Yangtze River feeder services. In addition, JJ Shipping boasts brand lines, aslo establishes and improves the marketing systems both at home and abroad. We are pressing ahead as a transport agent, with services of container loading, storage, which extends our core business and gives the company greater potential for future development.JJ Shipping, making its due contribution for the construction of Shanghai international shipping center, is exploring shipping services and developing integrated logistics in accordance with its development strategy of “professional, better and expanding”, striving to develop into a prestigious intra-Asia regional carrier.


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