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专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假


  • 工作地点:温州市
  • 年龄要求:18~45岁
  • 要求学历:不限
  • 招聘人数:不限
  • 工作经验:应届生
  • 专业要求:不限


职位描述:工作内容:1、 根据公司人事政策办理分公司人员的入职、离职及变动等人事事宜;2、 与总部人事部协调处理分公司人事及行政相关事宜,向分公司员工传达公司的各项人事行政政策,并协助分公司员工与总部沟通;3、 为分公司员工办理社会保险及公积金等个人福利,每月按时向相关部门及总部申报并与相关部门协调处理相关事宜;4、 每月5日前完成每月人事报表、考勤报表(包括考勤、出差补贴、加班及值班补贴)、社会统筹申请表(包括人员情况表及扣费名单)等;5、 建立分公司人员档案并保管相关证件;6、 办理分公司相关有效证件的变更及年审等(如营业执照、组织机构代码证、统计证年审、劳动手册年审等);7、 处理分公司日常办公室工作;8、 负责分公司在JDE里采购订单的输入;9、 办理银行相关业务。10、 保养费及配件费的现金收款并交银行;11、 从银行取得收款&ampamp汇款单,编制收款&ampamp汇款单明细表,并把每一笔收款输入JDE系 统 ,传递给总部AR组。12、 掌握备用金使用情况,及时申请补充备用金,以保证分公司的正常运作。13、 向相关部门人员反馈收款情况并督促其收款;14、 组织分公司收款会议,编制收款计划及其他收款报表。15、 负责开具分公司的安装及维保发票16、 负责税务方面的所有事宜资质要求:学历:大专或以上; 具有基本的财务、税务知识工作经验:3年以上相关工作经验;熟悉税务、社保、公积金等办事流程的候选人优先考虑语言能力:良好的英语能力,普通话流利;计算机水平: 熟悉办公室软件


奥的斯电梯公司是世界上的电梯公司。150年来奥的斯一直致力于研究、开发、制造、安装、维修、保养、更新改造电梯、扶梯、自动人行道等运输系统。目前,奥的斯电梯在200多个国家和地区运转着。有超过190万部奥的斯电梯和13万部扶梯正在运行,每五天运载全球人口一次。同时,奥的斯在全球维护保养着超过150万部的电梯和扶梯。100多年前,中国部电梯由奥的斯安装在上海。目前,集团控股公司—奥的斯电梯(中国)投资有限公司在天津、北京、上海、广州、杭州、西安、苏州及成都设有八家合资企业,经营管理着奥的斯(OTIS)、西子奥的斯(Xizi OTIS)和快速(Express)三大电梯品牌。在天津、广州、杭州、西安、苏州和成都六个制造基地中,广州、天津和杭州的制造基地先后获得了美国联合技术公司颁发的ACE(Achieving Competitive Excellence-获取竞争优势)银奖,这标志着奥的斯电梯在中国的生产水平处于地位。目前,奥的斯在中国生产、销售、安装、维修保养以及改造电梯、扶梯,人行走道,服务网络覆盖全国130多个城市和地区,是中国的电梯和扶梯生产商和服务商。作为中国电梯业的领先厂商,中国奥的斯电梯集团一直以国际一流的制造和技术能力为中国客户提供着整套的优质产品和完善服务,同时以其永无止境的创新精神不断开发适应客户需求的创新性革命性产品,从北京财富中心、上海东方明珠电视塔到世界楼上海环球金融中心,从天津电视塔到广州地铁站,从神舟发射塔到长江三峡工程,从为西安商业中心的地下通道打造的套扶梯系统到深入百姓生活的普通住宅,中国奥的斯电梯集团为中国各大城市的建筑提供着完美的解决方案。为了使中国乃至亚洲市场的客户能够更快、更好地获得奥的斯的新技术和新服务,奥的斯中国工程研发中心分别在天津和广州设立,负责开发、研制、转化奥的斯全球技术,生产适合中国国情并能满足整个亚太市场的产品。2003年,奥的斯在上海成立了全球性工程中心,该工程中心已成为奥的斯全球八大工程中心之一。无论是一个精巧的两层家用电梯,还是几百米的摩天高楼,奥的斯各品牌电梯都有安全、可靠、美观、满足不同客户用途的个性化解决之道。2006年,奥的斯品牌旗下的GeN2环保型无机房电梯则连续获得“中华环保基金会绿色产品奖”和“2005年全国十大建设科技成就”奖。中国奥的斯电梯集团还一直积极参与社会公益活动,主要包括交通工具安全知识教育、奥的斯特奥会志愿者项目、慈善募捐等形式。另外,奥的斯在全国各主要城市均得到了政府及社会各界的认可,获得了“中国十大受赞赏的外资企业”、“全国产品质量·售后服务双保障企业”、“客户满意金奖”、“全国用户满意企业奖”等荣誉。集团在中国的主要品牌也连续多年获得中国质量检验协会和中国消费者协会的质量服务认可。奥的斯电梯公司是美国联合技术公司(UTC)的全资子公司,美国联合技术公司在2006年《财富》500强中名列第126位,《财富》杂志2006年美国公司排名第43位,2001年至2006年连续6年荣登《财富》”受推崇的航空航天企业”。美国《工业周刊》2005年度全美制造商排名第20位。美国《福布斯》杂志2005年度7大美国管理公司。2004和2005年连续两年荣获“全球可持续发展公司100强”。美国联合技术公司2005年创造了427亿美元的营业收入, 总资产超过400亿美元,在全球180多个国家设有2000多个分支机构,共有员工超过22万名。奥的斯电梯公司作为联合技术公司的子公司,与联合技术公司的优势共享使其在工程、产品测试、购买、市场营销和信息系统方面拥有极其丰富的资源。OTIS China IntroductionOtis Elevator Company is the largest elevator company in the world, Asia and China. For more than 150 years since Mr. Elisha Otis invented the world’s first safe elevator, Otis has been the industry leader with its innovative technology and services. Otis products and services cover various kinds of transportation systems like elevators, escalators, and moving sidewalks. At present, Otis is operating in more than 200 countries and regions. More than 1.9 million Otis elevators and 130,000 escalators worldwide move the equivalent of the world’s population every five days. Meanwhile, about 1.5 million elevators and escalators serviced by Otis in the world.More than one century ago, Otis installed Chinas first elevator in Shanghai. At present, Otis Elevator (China) Investment Co., Ltd., the holding company, has eight joint ventures in Tianjin, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Xian, Suzhou and Chengdu, manufacturing and selling products in three brands: OTIS, Xizi OTIS and Express. Among the six production bases in Tianjin, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Xi’an and Chengdu, Guangzhou Factory, Tianjin Factory and Hangzhou Factory were awarded ACE Silver (Achieving Competitive Excellence) by United Technologies, Otis parent company, a recognition for China’s world-class manufacturing capability.At present, Otis is the largest elevator and escalator manufacturer and service provider in China, with a work covering more than 100 cities in the country.As the leading company in China elevator industry, Otis China always provides to its customers with complete sets of quality products and excellent services with world-class manufacturing and technological capabilities. Meanwhile, it keeps developing innovative products that meet customers ' demand and providing perfect solutions for the major constructions across China. Otis key projects in China include Shanghai World Financial Center, the world’s tallest building, Beijing Fortune Plaza, Shanghai Oriental Pearl TV Tower, Tianjin TV Tower, Guangzhou Metro, Shenzhou Launching Tower, the Three Gorges Project on the Yangtze River, the first escalator system in the underground passage of Xian Business Center and Carrefour Supermarkets etc.To provide the customers in China and even Asian market with quicker and better access to Otis new technology and service, Otis sets up Engineering R &ampamp; D Center in Tianjin and Guangzhou, responsible for the development, research and translation of Otis global technology to meet the local market need. In 2003, Otis Engineering Center (Shanghai) was established in Shanghai and now it is one of the eight engineering centers of Otis worldwide. Otis commits itself to offering personalized solutions to different customers with products in superior safety, reliability and beauty.In 2006, Otis GeN2 environmental protection machine-roomless Elevator has also won the Green Product Award by State Environmental Protection Administration of China and 2005 China Top 10 Architectural Science and Technology Achievements Award.Otis China also actively takes part in social ity activities, including public safety knowledge education, Otis Special Olympics Volunteer Program and ity donations etc. In addition, Otis wins recognition the government and the community in major cities across China. It is awarded the honor of Ten Most Praised Foreign-Invested Enterprises in China, Enterprise with Guaranteed Product Quality and After-Sale Service, Golden Award for Customer Satisfaction” and “National Award of Customers Satisfaction” etc. Otis brands have also been certified by China Quality Inspection Association and China Consumer Association for many consecutive years.Otis Elevator Company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the United Technologies Corporation (UTC). UTC ranks the 126th in Fortune 500 in 2006, and the 43rd in Fortune Largest U.S Corporations in 2006. UTC is also awarded The Most Admired Aerospace Company in 2006 for the 6th consecutive year by Fortune. It ranks the 20th largest U.S manufacturer in Industry Week in 2005, and was ranked by Forbes magazine as one of the seven Best-Managed Companies in America. UTC has been ed for the second consecutive year as the Top 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in 2005. UTC generated US42.7 billion in revenues in 2005, with total asset of more than US40 billion. It has more than 2,000 affiliates in over 180 countries, and 220,000 employees worldwide. As a subsidiary of UTC, Otis Elevator Company has great advantages and abundant recourses in engineering, product testing, purchase, marketing, and information systems.


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