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国投孚宝洋浦罐区码头有限公司 [百度一下]
公司地址:海南省 海南省洋浦经济开发区新浦大厦0708室
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
国投孚宝洋浦罐区码头有限公司由国家开发投资公司和荷兰皇家孚宝集团于2009年4月21日共同出资成立。国家开发投资公司占股份51%:中国的国家投资控股公司,投资项目包括煤、发电、散货和集装箱码头、化肥厂。荷兰皇家孚宝占股份49%:世界上的独立储罐码头运营商,在31个国家拥有84个罐区,总仓储能力达2900万立方米。国投孚宝洋浦罐区码头有限公司将于2015年季度正式投入运营。作为大型油品中转中心,公司罐区位于从中东、非洲和南美到远东的原油贸易主干线上。战略性地位于周边崛起的国家的中心,在1200公里的辐射范围内有着20家炼油厂,每年进入该地区的原油达到9千万吨。期建成后,将提供原油与成品油的仓储库容达132万立方米,30万吨级和5万吨级的码头各一个,可接卸5千到37.5万吨级的船只。完全建成后,原油、成品油与化学品的仓储能力将达到520万立方米,并拥有至少2个可接卸巨型油轮的码头。值公司发展之际,诚邀具备要求且愿意接受挑战的您加入我们的团队,共创美好未来。有意应征者,请将中英文详细履历(含期望薪资)发邮件至hr.china@vopaksdic.com,请在邮件主题栏注明应聘职位。一经录用,公司将提供培训及良好的职业前景。Vopak SDIC Terminal Yangpu Co., Ltd. was formed based on a joint venture between SDIC and Royal Vopak on 21 April 2009.SDIC (State Development and Investment Corp., 51%): Largest state-owned investment holding company of China, investments in coal mining, power generation, bulk and container ports, chemical fertilizer factories.Royal Vopak (managing party, 49%): World’s largest independent tank terminal operator, has 84 terminals with total cap. of 29mil. m3 in 31 countries.Due to open in Q4 2013, Vopak SDIC Terminal Yangpu (VSTY) will serve as a world-scale oil transshipment hub along the crude oil trade route dle East, Africa and South America to the Far East.Strategically located around the emerging countries and with 20 refineries in a distribution range of 1200 km, the crude oil shipped into the region has reached 90 million tons per year.Upon completion of its first phase, it will offer 1,320,000 cbm tank storage capacity for crude oil and petroleum products; and 2 berths, 50,000-dwt and 300,000-dwt each, for ships ranging 5,000-dwt to 375,000-dwt. The terminal can be expanded to a total of 5,200,000 cbm tank capacity for crude oil, petroleum products and petrochemicals, with at least 2 VLCC berths.


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