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乔达国际货运(上海)有限公司深圳分公司 [百度一下]
公司地址:深圳市 深圳市罗湖区嘉宾路2002号
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
声 明致 尊敬的求职者:近日,我司接到求职者举报,有不法机构冒用我司之名,以录取候选人、进行上岗培训为由,骗取候选人至异地并收受培训经费。我司在此特别声明:1.我司面试时间由HR部门统一安排,面试通知由域名为 xxx@cn.geodiswilson.com 的邮箱发送出;2.录用通知书标准内容包含:岗位内容、工作地点、合同期限、薪酬待遇;录用通知书印有公司logo信息;3.公司不会以任何名义收取候选人任何费用;4. 必要时,求职者可向我司确认招聘事宜。HR: Tony Jiang;Tel:0755-33227770在此,请广大求职者在求职时务必提高警惕,谨防上当。 如因上述声明事宜产生任何纠纷或损失,我司概不承担任何法律责任。特此声明乔达国际货运(上海)有限公司深圳分公司。乔达国际货运(上海)有限公司深圳分公司的总公司乔达集团(GEODIS)是法国物流龙头企业,全球七大运输和物流公司之一,在全球拥有29,600名员工,涵盖120国的国际网络,3,000,000平方米货物储存场地和20,000辆拖车,它是由法国国营铁路集团直接投资、全部控股的集团公司。身为法国、欧洲乃至全球的建置监督和组织者,乔达集团为客户提供所有与运输和物流相关的多方位服务,其服务涉及海运空运、供应链管理、包裹快递、物流服务、公路运输、工业项目和逆向物流等。集团2009年全球营业收入达50.07亿欧元。乔达集团通过培训和发展来实现以人为本的理念,我们鼓励员工勇于承担责任并不断提出创造性的解决方法, 同时我们正致力于为获取Iip(以人为本)认证证书而努力。乔达集团的重心是文化,务必让每一位员工在集团工作就像大家庭一起生活,我们文化核心通过以下的使命、愿景和价值来体现:使命:我们帮助客户解決物流难题,让客户踏上成功之路愿景:我們是客户的成长伙伴价值:我们是运输与物流解决方案的专家,我们充满热情,并全力以赴。乔达国际货运(上海)有限公司深圳分公司是乔达集团1994年进驻深圳,并于2004年4月成立全资子公司,公司拥有无船承运业务经营资格和国家货代从业一级牌照。深圳分公司多年致力于国际、国内货运代理业务,提供空运,海运,陆运,进口以及物流配套服务等全方位立体服务。公司有一批经过专门训练,有着丰富物流经验的高素质从业人员,能够根据不同的客户需求,在短的时间内为客户量身设计出适合的物流方案,并能流畅地将方案付诸实施。我们为您提供的是:以人为本的快乐的工作氛围,有市场竞争力的薪酬,5天工作制,有吸引力的带薪年假。Geodis group, as the headquarters of Geodis Wilson Shanghai Limited Shenzhen Branch, is a well-known French logistics provider with a world wide ambition. The Group ranks among the top 7 companies in its field in the world. Across a work covering 120 countries and 3000000 ㎡ storage ground and 20000 truck. The group internationally attracts 2,9600 employees and is fully owned subsidiary of the French railway company, SNCF Group. As the equipping supervisor and organizer of France and Europe even all over the world, Geodis group supply multi-business expertise and ability to all its customers, including distribution, logistics, land, air and sea freight forwarding and reverse logistics. The group’s revenue in 2009 was up to 5.007 billion.Geodis Group invests in people through training and development programmes. People in Group are encouraged to take on responsibility and come up with creative solutions. Geodis Group is moving towards full Investors in People (IiP) accreditation.The heart of Group is a culture in which colleagues feel like family. The heart of culture is Group’s mission、vision and value. There are:Mission: We help our clients succeed by overcoming logistical constraints.Vision: We are the growth partner for our clients.Values: Commitment, solidarity, trust, passion, innovation..Geodis Wilson Shanghai Limited Shenzhen Branch is the full-capital subsidiary company of Geodis group which entered into SZ market since 1994 and was set up in April 2004. The company is being in possession of managing competency of NVOCC and national first grade certificate of logistics.Shenzhen Branch is dedicated in domestic and international transportation, offering comprehensive services including air freight, shipping, land transportation, import and related services. Professional and experienced staffs Shenzhen Branch customize the most appropriate solutions for clients efficiently, and carry it out effectively.We can offer:Happy working atmosphere, Market-competitive salary package, 5 working days a week, extra annual leave with pay.


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