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船舶电气工程师 加急招聘 [ 投诉职位 ]






专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假


  • 工作地点:上海市
  • 年龄要求:24~30岁
  • 要求学历:大专
  • 招聘人数:10人
  • 工作经验:3年以上
  • 专业要求:不限


荷兰公司现高薪招聘电气监装和调试服务工程师 投五险 两人一组,组长月薪18,000-20,000元, 组员月薪10,000-12,000元 每天餐补:120元。按青岛标准投社保五险,另外加投100万商业意外险人数:20名 项目:船上脱硫塔系统电气路,机票 食宿和接送费用由公司负责。岗位职责:1. 负责根据电气相关图纸,指导工人正确的敷设电缆及接线 2. 调试电气系统,处理故障 。3. 协助项目经理处理现场问题4. 英语四级,口语要求可以和荷兰工程师交流。考核标准:按照图纸能够独立检查电缆、接线和调试。每月工作三周,然后带薪休假。工作地点:国内各大港口 如果需要培训,培训期间发75%的工资。培训时间:1个月。能直接工作的优先录取!!应聘人员:请提供英文简历,注明可以参加面试和到岗的时间 联系人:Frank 手机/微信:13953231656 Email: frankshan@compass-mts.com英语要求四、六级以上。能力突出者将提升为Superviser Manager和Site Manager.A.监装和调试服务工程师的具体工作内容:1.one team of 2 electricians to do the pre-commissioning for every ship;2. Pre-commissioning is the check of all the electric cables and electric components of the scrubber;3.All the tasks and all the checks are described in detail in the pre-commissioning check-list。 the electricians must follow this check-list step-by-step;4.If a check is OK, then go to the check of next ship ;5.If something is not OK, then they must make a picture, they must describe the problem (wrong connections, missing connections, cable breaks, broken components, wrong components);5A.The electricians report the picture and the problem to the site manager;5B.The electricians correct the problem – which is very important;5C.They follow this list step-by-step and they have a time of 5 days as a team to complete this check-list and correct the problems (wrong connections, broken components etc);QUALITY OF THE ELECTRICIANS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT – AND IN PARTICULAR THEY MUST BE ABLE TO COMMUNICATE IN ENLGISH. If they cannot communicate in English, we cannot use them. Each team should have at least one electrician with maritime experience.After proving their skills, we would highly appreciate that these electricians can assist in the sea trials – the real commissioning.B.Superviser Manager(lead Electrician):The marine educated electrical engineers with experience on boats and good EnglishOne (1) person for the following tasks:He must act as a supervisor/adviser/control-check for the other electrical engineersHe must be able to solve the problems that the other electricians cannot solve – if such problems arise;If time is free, he can act as an electrician himself – we need a person who is not afraid to work himself – he should like to do this work time-to-time – that is also necessary for getting an optimal understanding of the system and the problems that the electricians can face;He can establish the working procedures, so that every electrician is working along the same protocol;C.Site Manager:Be careful not to hire some-one who has been in a purely managing role because this site manager will work alone or with the electrician most of the time – there is no team of 5-10 people that he must manage.Most important role is to be on the ship the whole time and check that the installation by COSTS of the scrubber system is done well.His function is a control-check-quality function – supervising that everything is done well and help to solve problems.Reporting is very important – every day in writing and by telephone.






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