船舶人才网,国内专业的船舶行业求职招聘网站 招聘热线:0755-36517013

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常德达门船舶有限公司/达门船舶集团 [百度一下]
公司地址:常德市 武陵区德山街
五险一金 带薪年假 通讯津贴 午餐补助 团队聚餐 管理规范 定期体检
常德达门船舶有限公司是达门集团旗下36家子公司之一,主要为海外市场建造拖轮、工作船、高速艇和挖泥船。Damen Shipyards Changde, as one of 36 wholly-owned subsidiary of Damen Shipyards Group of the herlands, is a state-of the art shipyards that mainly focuses on building tugs, workboats, high-speed vessels and dredgers for the export market worldwide.技术部为全厂生产提供支持与服务,以确保不间断的、高效的生产,包括设计、工程准备、采购与物流、项目管理等部门。在开发、完善设计数据、将设计数据转换成生产数据、确保计划和物料满足生产需求和不间断地生产方面起着关键作用。为此,该部门与生产部有着紧密的合作。Technical Department provides supports and services for the whole production so that we can ensure continuous and high efficiency production, which includes engineering, job preparation, purchasing and logistics, project management, etc. It plays key role in developing, completing and translating engineering information into production information and secure the planning, the material supplies to match project requirements and support undisturbed and efficient production. Therefore the technical department has a close cooperation with the production departments. 设计部负责将初始方案设计转换成详细设计包,这些设计既包括新型船的开发也包括标准船型的管理。达门全球各地的船厂可以使用该设计包建造船舶。该部分的工作和总部设计部有紧密的沟通。 Engineering is responsible for transforming the Initial Design of D&ampP of the Product group into a documentation package on which basis ships can be built worldwide. This concerns both the development of new ship types as managing the standard ship types. For this part the Engineering Center has a close cooperation with Central engineering in Gorinchem. 设计部也向常德达门现场提供生产技术支持,该部分工作与工程准备中心、生产部有密切的沟通。Engineering is also responsible for providing production support. For this part the engineering department has a close cooperation with Job Preparation and production department.


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